Standing Secured JP Getty believed a lie; a lie that had a profound effect on his life. He believed that in order to have a lasting, solid relationship with a woman, he needed to be a failure in business. You can have success in both areas!
Well, if you know anything about, Getty it was his business success. Getty was an exceptional American businessman and founder of the Getty Oil Company. He was renowned for his business acumen, mastery of six languages, and love for art. He became the first American billionaire, born in 1892 and passing away in 1972. In 1966, The Guinness Book of Records declared him the world's wealthiest citizen, estimating his net worth at $1.2 billion. Getty's ability to navigate challenging business situations was impressive. However, he had five failed marriages and regretted it deeply, He confessed that he would gladly give all his millions for just one lasting marital success.
Maybe if Getty received some solid counsel on God, marriage and money, he would have saved himself and others much heartache and brokenness. Statistically, married people have greater financial security than single people do. However, 37% of all divorces find financial disagreements were a significant factor in their discion to end the marriage. Well, there is a way to marry the two: marriage status with financial success. Pastor Jimmy Evans, an expert in marriage counseling highlights the importance of couples carefully assessing their financial compatibility and how to navigate the financial aspect of marriage. He has identified four ways in which people view money: the driver, for whom money means success; the amiable, for whom money means love; the analytic, for whom money means security; and lastly, the expressive, for whom money implies acceptance and respect.
Check out the link below to find the full teaching on money languages:
Whether through money or even marriages; any relationship (person, place or thing) has the potential to replace the most important relationship of all: Our Creator. He is the only one who can fully fulfill our need for security, identity, purpose and acceptance. Putting Him first, spouse second and every other relationship to follow has the potential to align your life in His will and security.
The Bible story of the Samaritan woman tells us that she had five previous marriages. She failed five times because none of her ex-husbands could meet her need for love and security. Jesus offered her security and love through an active relationship with the Spirit of God— "living waters." With that relationship, she would never thirst again:
"Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14, (NIV)
In the right perspective, you can have it all….